Walsall Manor Hospital Norovirus outbreak

Walsall Manor Hospital Norovirus outbreak

Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust has today, declared an outbreak of Norovirus on Ward 16, at Walsall Manor Hospital and has therefore closed the ward to all patient admissions, transfers, and ward visitors.

There are currently 9 symptomatic patients, with 1 confirmed case, who are affected by the outbreak. The temporary closure of Ward 16 is to contain the virus on the affected ward and protect the health of our patients, their relatives, carers and their friends. For that reason the Trust is urging anyone thinking of visiting friends and relatives on Ward 16, to stay at home to help prevent further cases.

Amir Khan, Medical Director and Director of Infection Control and Prevention at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust said: ‘Norovirus is a stomach bug which causes sickness and diarrhoea and is very easily spread from person to person. The spread of infection is easiest in places where groups of people are together for a reasonable amount of time, such as hospitals.

“The virus lasts around two days and the only treatment required is plenty of fluid to maintain hydrated. However, even after the symptoms have cleared up people may still carry the virus and infect others up to three days after their own symptoms have stopped.”

If you have any concerns regarding not being able to visit a friend, or relative on Ward 16, please discuss this with the nurse in charge of their ward, who will consider the case of each patient on an individual basis. You can contact the nurse in charge of Ward 16 by calling the switchboard on: 01922 721172.

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About Norovirus

    Noroviruses are highly contagious and are transmitted via the faeces and vomit of infected people, either through direct contact or throught contaminated objects or via food and water. The incubation period is one to three days.



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