Doncaster Royal Infirmary: Do not visit our patients !
As from the Doncaster Hospital Homepage (Given credit to this as this one of the few who actually update their website when an outbreak is known, we find this a VERY good policy and urge all other healthcare organisation to take an example of this!) PLEASE DON’T VISIT AND RISK BRINGING MORE BUGS INTO HOSPITAL! […]
Wash your hands: Norovirus outbreak sickens 50 in San Jose
More than 50 people at a South San Jose retirement community are recovering from a norovirus outbreak, prompting health officials to remind people in closed quarters to be extra careful to avoid contracting the nasty stomach flu. The senior citizens living at The Atrium, across from Oakridge Mall, fell ill starting two weeks ago, and […]
Guidelines for Management
Guidelines for the management of norovirus outbreaks in acute and community health and social care settings. This guide gives recommendations on the management of outbreaks of vomiting and/or diarrhoea in hospitals and community health and social care settings, including nursing and residential homes. They are not specifically intended to cover schools, colleges, prisons, military establishments, […]
Cruiseships Illness Galore 2010
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta recorded 14 outbreaks of gastrointestinal illness on cruise ships visiting U.S. ports in 2010. A line-by-line breakdown: Carnival Cruise Lines Carnival Glory (10/9-10/16). 113 sickened. Cause: Unknown Celebrity Cruises Celebrity Mercury (2/15-2/26). 411 sickened. Cause: Norovirus Celebrity Millennium (2/22-3/5). 157 sickened. Cause: Norovirus Celebrity Mercury […]
Clues to multiple vaccine
01.15.11 | In English, H1N1 influenza | by patrick
Flu relief The 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic infected an estimated 60 million people and hospitalized more than 250,000 in the USA. But, it brought with it informatics clues about how to make a vaccine that could protect against multiple strains of influenza. Influenza type A (H1N1) virus is a strain of influenza that emerged widely […]
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- EU Food borne viruses
- Norovirus Database
- RIVM Rijksinstituut voor volksgezondheid en milieu