Uitbraak norovirus Limburg

Uitbraak norovirus Limburg

De instelling voor verstandelijk gehandicapten St. Anna in Heel is getroffen door een uitbraak van buikgriep,  hoogstwaarschijnlijk veroorzaakt door het Norovirus. Per jaar krijgen ongeveer 4,5 miljoen Nederlanders buikgriep, waarvan ongeveer een half miljoen veroorzaakt door het norovirus. Deze besmettelijke maagdarmziekte kan diarree en braken tot gevolg hebben. Maandag 21 november waren er 93 bewoners en personeelsleden besmet. Intussen zijn […]

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Cruiseships Illness Galore 2010

Cruiseships Illness Galore 2010

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta recorded 14 outbreaks of gastrointestinal illness on cruise ships visiting U.S. ports in 2010. A line-by-line breakdown: Carnival Cruise Lines Carnival Glory (10/9-10/16). 113 sickened. Cause: Unknown Celebrity Cruises Celebrity Mercury (2/15-2/26). 411 sickened. Cause: Norovirus Celebrity Millennium (2/22-3/5). 157 sickened. Cause: Norovirus Celebrity Mercury […]

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58% of Foodborn illnesses are caused by the Noro Virus

58% of Foodborn illnesses are caused by the Noro Virus

58%  of Foodborn illnesses are caused by the Noro virus according to the CDC’s EID magazine: Estimates of foodborne illness can be used to direct food safety policy and interventions. We used data from active and passive surveillance and other sources to estimate that each year 31 major pathogens acquired in the United States caused […]

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Norovirus Forces Celebrity Cruise Ship to Stay in Port

Norovirus Forces Celebrity Cruise Ship to Stay in Port

It’s almost no news anymore again another cruiseship has been infected with the norovirus; it seems to almost be normal to catch the norovirus on board of cruiseships ? why does it happen a lot on cruiseships ? and not i.e. in large holidays centers ? is it because they keep it quiet or because […]

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Rugby hospital stops routine visiting

Rugby hospital stops routine visiting

All routine visiting and admissions to a hospital have been stopped due to the norovirus bug affecting three wards. The decision over the Hospital of St Cross in Rugby was not taken lightly, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust said. Read more at the BBC

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About Norovirus

    Noroviruses are highly contagious and are transmitted via the faeces and vomit of infected people, either through direct contact or throught contaminated objects or via food and water. The incubation period is one to three days.



Noronet is an informal network of scientists

De grote griepmeting

Nederlandse Griepmeting


Influenzanet is a system to monitor the activity of influenza-like-illness.

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