Swim diapers may not keep pool water clean, UF experts say

Swim diapers may not keep pool water clean, UF experts say

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Swimming is good, clean summer fun for small children—but University of Florida experts caution that swim diapers won’t necessarily keep the water clean, and that could spell trouble if sick kids go in the pool. A common illness called Norovirus infection can cause vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. And for children suffering […]

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About Norovirus

    Noroviruses are highly contagious and are transmitted via the faeces and vomit of infected people, either through direct contact or throught contaminated objects or via food and water. The incubation period is one to three days.



Noronet is an informal network of scientists

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Nederlandse Griepmeting


Influenzanet is a system to monitor the activity of influenza-like-illness.

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