Local Hospitals preparing for winter
With winter rapidly approaching, Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (MCHFT) is urging local residents to take extra care of themselves, and to look out for elderly relatives or neighbours who may have existing medical conditions which are made worse by the cold weather. In the North West alone, there are an estimated 1.3million people […]
Seizoensgriep niet afkomstig uit Oost-Azië
11.28.11 | In English, Flu, Griep, Nederlands | by patrick
De jaarlijkse griepgolf blijkt niet te beginnen in Oost-Azië zoals eerder gedacht. In 2008 werd de eerste wereldwijde analyse gedaan van griepvirussen. Hieruit bleek dat het virus dat elk jaar eerst het noordelijk en daarna het zuidelijk halfrond uit Oost-Azië kwam. Maar naar nieuw onderzoek blijkt dit toch net even wat anders te zitten, dit […]
Why flying on planes can make you sick – and how to stop it
If you’re about to fly somewhere for Thanksgiving, you’re probably dreading the possibility that you’ll catch a bug along the way. And you’re not alone. Many people report coming down with something in the days following an airplane flight. It’s not like we’re all lining up to lick the lavatory handles — so why can’t […]
Noro virus linked with Fat Duck restaurant incident
The norovirus is named as possible cause of the many illnesses of visitors to the world famous ‘Fat Duck’ Restaurant according to the Daily Mail. It is not impossible as the norovirus is known to keep cruiseships for weeks in a harbour. Tags: Bacteria, Cuisine, Fat Duck, illness, Restaurant, ships, Virus
Facts about Stomach Flu, Common Cold and Influenza Disease
The influenza disease is an illness which affects the upper respiratory system. Influenza signs and symptoms can vary, but are often similar to the common cold, except that relatively high fevers are almost always present in cases of the flu, but rarely in adults who have a cold. Although most people recover quickly from the […]
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- EU Food borne viruses
- Norovirus Database
- RIVM Rijksinstituut voor volksgezondheid en milieu